Track your progress and find motivation

It's hard to find motivation or to keep it going when you are on a journey to getting in shape. Working out alone for me has been one of the biggest challenges. About a year ago I began this new lifestyle to regain my health both physically and mentally.

My goal: a healthier and happier me
The necessary tools: A home workout system that I thought would work for me and my lifestyle, motivation to do it every day, determination to see it through, and a commitment to hold myself accountable.

I found that tracking my progress as I completed each phase of my program with pictures and measurements gave me the visual and statistical figures to see for myself and find motivation to keep going. As the changes became more apparent I felt a greater desire to keep going because I did not want to go back to where I started.

I began my new lifestyle on April 8, 2011. As of March 9, 2012 I have lost:

Weight: -23.5 lbs
Waist: -7.5 in
Hips: -4.5 in
Chest: -2 in
Right Upper Arm: -1 in
Left Upper Arm: -1 in
Right Mid Thigh: -4.5 in
Left Mid Thigh: -4.5 in
Total inches: -24.5 inches
Blood Pressure is normal
Sleeping Better
Anxiety is under control

Other ways I self-motivate:

I remind myself of why I started doing this.
I tell myself  "There are no excuses".
I look at or remind myself of my before and after pictures.
I look for and post quotes that motivate or inspire me.
I sometimes use the beachbody chat to stay in touch with others who are on a similar program/journey.
Some days I just have to kick myself long enough to get up and get moving.
I started this Facebook group to share information and find motivation.

I knew that I needed and wanted this change in my life desperately enough to light that fire and make that commitment. We all have ups and downs, weaknesses, issues, other responsibilities, but it is up to us to make the time, put forth the effort, and take action. So, here I am once again a year after beginning that new journey, but this time I'm Happier and Healthier and ready to take on the rest of my life.

Your body is capable of many things, challenges, and transformations but most of the time it is your mind you have to convince. We all have the choice to change/stay healthy or not and it is a choice we must make every day. Change and discipline isn't easy or pleasant. Sure, it's very easy and comfortable not to do anything at all and continue on an unhealthy course. But ask yourself if how you feel, how you look, the current or future health issue(s) you may be dealing with make you happy? Fit does not mean skinny, it means healthy.

Find what works for you, keep pushing forward and don't let the little bumps along the road get you down or take you out. Regroup, reenergize, and refocus for you have a lot to gain and so much more to live for... don't lose sight of your goals or what's important to you.
