There are several ways of covering blisters when running. Ideally, you would not want to be doing any activity while treating a blister, but for many athletes, that ideal just isn't possible. The first reaction is to cover a blister with an adhesive bandage, but due to the friction caused by running, this may not be the best option. Luckily, there are several lesser known options that are available to cover the blister, reduce friction and still allow for healing.
Moleskin. Moleskin can be purchased at almost every grocery or health store. In general, mole skin is cut to fit around the infected area. You can secure the moleskin with surgical tape or with bandage tape. This will cover the area completely and reduce any further friction on the blister.
Athletic or surgical tape. Many marathon running sites such as and sports medicine sites like state that using athletic or surgical tape to cover blisters when running is one of the best and most affective methods to care for blisters. You can cut the tape to fit and cover not only the blister but also the area surrounding the blister to prevent friction.
Duct tape. Yes, it's recommended to use duct tape for covering a blister when running. The reason that duct tape is recommended by professional runners is because it will hold up during any condition. To ensure that you do not have further injury to the blister area, make sure that the tape has visible fibers and covers the entire blister, including the ball of the foot should the blister be on a heel area.
Specialty bandages. Many companies like Band Aid now offer specialty bandages for blisters and especially for blisters on athletes. These bandages come premedicated and can be worn under socks and shoes. There are several problems with these bandages, such as not having the ability to cut to fit, but overall, they are a good, quick alternative to covering the blister during running.
Remember, no matter what method you use to cover your blister while running you should always medicate the area with a form of medicated ointment. You should also cleanse the area and keep an eye on the blister over the following days after the run to ensure there are no problems. If infection occurs or if the blister does not heal in a normal time span, then seek medical attention.
References: - Ways of covering blisters when running:
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Moleskin. Moleskin can be purchased at almost every grocery or health store. In general, mole skin is cut to fit around the infected area. You can secure the moleskin with surgical tape or with bandage tape. This will cover the area completely and reduce any further friction on the blister.
Athletic or surgical tape. Many marathon running sites such as and sports medicine sites like state that using athletic or surgical tape to cover blisters when running is one of the best and most affective methods to care for blisters. You can cut the tape to fit and cover not only the blister but also the area surrounding the blister to prevent friction.
Duct tape. Yes, it's recommended to use duct tape for covering a blister when running. The reason that duct tape is recommended by professional runners is because it will hold up during any condition. To ensure that you do not have further injury to the blister area, make sure that the tape has visible fibers and covers the entire blister, including the ball of the foot should the blister be on a heel area.
Specialty bandages. Many companies like Band Aid now offer specialty bandages for blisters and especially for blisters on athletes. These bandages come premedicated and can be worn under socks and shoes. There are several problems with these bandages, such as not having the ability to cut to fit, but overall, they are a good, quick alternative to covering the blister during running.
Remember, no matter what method you use to cover your blister while running you should always medicate the area with a form of medicated ointment. You should also cleanse the area and keep an eye on the blister over the following days after the run to ensure there are no problems. If infection occurs or if the blister does not heal in a normal time span, then seek medical attention.
References: - Ways of covering blisters when running:
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